Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cigarette Smoke and Mirrors

In a recent issue of Rolling Stone, there was a fold-out feature titled the Indie-Rock Universe. It was cartoonish, made to look like a bored teen scribbling and doodling in their notebook. It was pointless and fun, and that seemed about it. But then the ad on the outside of the folds, there was a similarly colored and styled Camel cigarette ad, which itself promoted indie music, and their new site (which has since been shut-down). Harmless advertising or planned ploy? To me, it seemed like the latter, and many agree. The "Indie Rock Universe" seemed like a part of the Camel ad, and vice versa. Many have noticed, and Rolling Stone and Camel both seem to be in some hot water.
Another bone I have to pick is in Camel's sponsoring of many indie concerts. These are clearly aimed not only at the young concert-going crowd but the younger concert-going crowd, those young impressionable teens like myself. The bands who have had their concerts cig-sponsored defend their ways by saying that they just want to sell affordable tickets to their fans, but I ask this: Won't your fans be dead if they smoke too many cigs??? WELLL?????

Below are some great articles about the topic. What are your views?

Paste article
The Daily Swarm article

1 comment:

davidaarong said...

Another fun tidbit to note: In some magazines you'll see a lists of venues in a two-page ad with the boarder and logo of "Camel" brand of cigarettes. What does this mean? It means that all these venues do not mind if you smoke there. Most are willing to off-set the price of a violation of health laws, to draw more people who smoke, since smokers as a whole tend to drink more as well.